12/5(二) Sue Scott 進階課 (2hr)
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SUE SCOTT - SENIOR IYENGAR YOGA TEACHER - 26 years of experience

Sue Scott是擁有26年經驗的艾式瑜伽資深教師



1991年開始教授瑜伽,同時也專心在墨爾本Yoga Jivana會館的經營與教學。她享受在澳洲及世界各地教授瑜伽與培訓瑜伽教師。


Sue Scott has extensive knowledge of the body gained from her background in classical & modern dance in Australia and Europe that informs her practice at a deep level. Following a spinal injury, Sue returned to Melbourne and was introduced to the healing qualities of Iyengar Yoga.
Sue began teaching yoga in 1991, and while her main focus is teaching and running Yoga Jivana in Melbourne Australia, she also enjoys travelling within Australia and overseas to teach yoga and train yoga teachers.


To study with her teachers (the late) Mr BKS Iyengar – Guruji, his daughter Geeta Iyengar, and granddaughter Abhijata Iyengar, Sue regularly visits the Iyengar Yoga Institute- RIMYI in Pune, India.

Geeta直接指導下,Sue已經是中級資深Senior Intermediate 2的艾式教師、教師培訓教師和考官。


Fully qualified directly from Geeta S Iyengar, Sue is a Senior Intermediate 2 Iyengar Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer, and Assessor.



Sue’s interest is to promote a deeper understanding of how to support & nurture a holistic and disciplined yoga practice while incorporating the fundamentals of yogic philosophy. Sue’s teaching style, while welcoming & encouraging to all emphasizes a rigorous & challenging approach to the practice of yoga asana & pranayama. Sue is known for her clarity in teaching the intricacies of yoga practice and teaching.






地點:高雄市左營區明誠二路3323樓之2(水利會大樓) SHRi YOGA





SHRi 會員(10/31止)        $800

非會員早鳥價(10/31止)   $1,000

原價(11/20報名截止)       $1,300





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2.     匯款報名,並電話告知帳號末5碼,經確認後Email寄發報名表,即完成報名程序

匯款資訊:日盛國際商業銀行815 北高雄分行






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